what is a good sentence using the word, integument

it means a natural covering, as a skin or shell


Scroll down to the Veterinary Dictionary and read the descriptions.

You could use the word in connection with many different animals, birds, etc.

Consider the armadillo!

Certainly! Here is a good sentence using the word "integument":

"The integument of the turtle provides a protective and resilient shell."

To come up with sentences using specific words, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the meaning of the word: In this case, "integument" means a natural covering like a skin or shell.

2. Consider the context: Think about where the word might fit naturally. In this case, animals or organisms with a protective covering could be a suitable context.

3. Brainstorm: Generate a few ideas for sentences. For example, you might think of a sentence involving an animal with an integument.

4. Construct the sentence: Choose one of your ideas and construct a sentence by using correct grammar and punctuation.

Remember that sentence construction can vary depending on the context and intended meaning.