Choose the best word combination below for the underlined words in the sentence.

Katrina sang her song so good at the contest that she should have won, but the judges were real harsh.

a) good, really

b) well, real

c) good, real

d) well, really

d) well, really

To determine the best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence, we need to consider the correct usage of adjectives and adverbs.

In this sentence, we are describing how Katrina sang, which requires an adverb. "Good" is an adjective, so we need to use the adverb form, "well."

As for the second underlined word, "harsh," it is an adjective describing the judges. Therefore, we need an adverb to modify it, which is "real."

Based on this analysis, the correct word combination would be option (d):

well, really

The best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence is option b) well, real.

So the corrected sentence would be:
"Katrina sang her song so well at the contest that she should have won, but the judges were real harsh."