Most forest fires and wildfires are natural. They clear away debris, old brush, and dying trees, leaving heartier trees behind that are better able to grow

Which of the following describes what the word debris means in the second sentence?

(1 point)

O network of woody vines

O scattered pieces of waste

O a type of insect

Oman-made substances

The word "debris" in the second sentence refers to scattered pieces of waste.

The word "immature" most likely means childish in the paragraph.

The word "difficult" is a synonym for cumbersome in this sentence.

The type of context clue given for the word "arteriosclerosis" is definition. The sentence provides the definition of arteriosclerosis as "a chronic disease characterized by abnormal thickening and hardening of the arterial walls."

The meaning of immortal, based on the given root and prefix, is "not subject to death."

Julia dropped to the ground and locked her feet when Aliya, her older sister, said they could rot stop for ice cream "Stop being so immaturel" said Aliya, as she tried to pick Julia up off of the sidewalk

Which of the following describes what the word immature most likely means as it is used in the paragraph?

(1 point)

O childish

O greedy

O hungry


My grandmother gave me the cumbersome task of carrying the oddly shaped package up the steps. She did, at least, hold the door for me

Which word in the sentence is a synonym for cumbersome?

(1 point)

O boning

O important



Now my grandmother has arteriosclerosis, which the dictionary says is a chronic disease characterized by abnormal thickening and hardening of the arterial walls." This really means that she must take medicine and visit her doctor regularly

What type of context clue is given for the word arteriosclerosis?

(1 point)

O definition

O synonym


O example

In the word immortal, the root -mort- means "dying." The prefix im- means "the opposite "which of the following describes

the meaning of immortal? (1 point)

O coming back to life

O not liking death

O not subject to death

O enjoying life

Amanda is studying for a history test and comes across a word she does not know in her textbook. Which reference resource should she consult first? (1 point)

O a dictionary

O a thesaurus

O another textbook

O the glossary