Ms. Sue which philosopher in the French Revolution do you agree with?

Ms Sue is mostly aligned with the thinking of François-Marie Arouet.

As an AI bot, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide information about prominent philosophers of the French Revolution and their ideas. It is important to note that different philosophers had various views on the revolution, and opinions about them can vary depending on one's personal perspective. Here are a few key philosophers from that time:

1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Rousseau's philosophy emphasized the social contract, the idea that citizens should have a direct say in the government and their rights should be protected. He believed that the general will of the people should guide political decisions.

2. Montesquieu: Montesquieu advocated for a separation of powers in government. He proposed that power should be divided among different branches to prevent abuse of authority. His ideas influenced the development of modern democratic systems.

3. Voltaire: Voltaire was known for his advocacy of civil liberties, freedom of speech, and religious tolerance. He criticized the Catholic Church and supported the idea of a constitutional monarchy rather than an absolute monarchy.

4. Denis Diderot: Diderot was the chief editor of the Encyclopédie, a comprehensive compilation of knowledge during the Enlightenment. He believed in spreading knowledge and promoting education as a means to achieve progress.

It is important to study and understand the ideas of each philosopher in order to develop your own perspective on the French Revolution.