I'm completely lost. After overviewing the political arrangements of Iberian and Anglo-French, explain whether governmental complexion came to influence, then, the types of colonial settlements they respectively pursued. Please point me in the right directino

Umm...what exactly are you doing? A little more information on your task would be helpful.

Your question needs more details. What year(s) are you referring to? What actions/events are you referring to?

Otherwise, a search at www.google.com for iberian anglo-french politics governments is about all I can suggest.

England's constitutional states opposed to Spain, France, Russias absolute monarchy

Iberian means Spanish and Portuguese from the Iberian Peninsula. It seems to be colonization in the New World?


Thanks - I think I got a handle on it

Certainly! To understand the influence of governmental complexion on colonial settlements pursued by Iberian and Anglo-French powers, we need to break down the question into several parts and analyze each component.

1. Political Arrangements of Iberian and Anglo-French:
a. Iberian: The Iberian powers primarily refer to Spain and Portugal. During the colonial period, both these nations were empires with centralized monarchial systems. Spain had a strong monarchy with absolute power, while Portugal had a less centralized monarchy but still had a considerable amount of control over its colonies.

b. Anglo-French: Anglo-French refers to the English and French powers. Unlike the Iberian powers, England and France had more decentralized governmental systems. These countries had monarchies, but their power was limited by other governing bodies, such as parliament in England and the Estates General in France.

2. Governmental Complexion and Colonial Settlements:
The governmental complexion, or the nature of the government, played a significant role in shaping the types of colonial settlements pursued by these powers. Here's how:

a. Iberian Powers: Due to their centralized monarchies, the Iberian powers pursued a systematic approach to colonial settlements. They established large-scale, centralized colonies that aimed to extract valuable resources, such as gold and silver, through strict control and exploitation of indigenous populations. This approach led to the establishment of encomienda and hacienda systems in Spanish colonies and the creation of plantations in Portuguese colonies.

b. Anglo-French Powers: The decentralized governmental systems in England and France had a different impact on their colonial settlements. These powers focused more on establishing colonies for economic and political purposes. The English established settlements along the Atlantic coast of North America, which later developed into thirteen colonies, aiming to expand trade and create self-sustaining communities. The French focused on establishing trading posts and strategic settlements for the fur trade in North America, particularly in areas like Quebec and Louisiana.

3. Influence of Governmental Complexion on Colonial Settlements:
The differing governmental complexions influenced the nature of colonial settlements in the following ways:

a. Centrality vs. Decentralization: The centralized monarchies of Spain and Portugal allowed for stronger control and direct influence over their colonies. This led to the establishment of large-scale, centralized settlements where the indigenous populations were often exploited for resources. In contrast, the more decentralized governmental systems of England and France allowed for greater flexibility and autonomy in colonial governance, facilitating the establishment of self-governing and semi-autonomous colonies.

b. Economic vs. Political Focus: The Iberian powers focused primarily on the economic benefits derived from their colonies, such as precious metals and cash crops. The Anglo-French powers, on the other hand, had a more balanced approach, seeking both economic opportunities and strategic political footholds through their colonial settlements.

In summary, the governmental complexion of the Iberian and Anglo-French powers influenced the types of colonial settlements they pursued. The centralized nature of the Iberian powers facilitated control and exploitation, leading to large-scale settlements primarily focused on resource extraction. In contrast, the more decentralized governance of the Anglo-French powers allowed for self-governing communities and strategic trading posts, combining economic and political motives.