Introduction and conclusion on cohabitating before marriage

Your introduction and conclusion depend upon what you've written in the body of your paper.

This site is excellent on how to write both an intro and a conclusion.

Intro: It's really a lousy deal for kids.

Conclusion: It's really a lousy deal for kids.


Cohabitating before marriage, which refers to living together in a committed relationship without being married, has become increasingly common in modern society. This practice has sparked debates and discussions, with strong opinions on both sides. Some see cohabitation as a practical way to test compatibility and strengthen the relationship, while others argue that it may undermine the institution of marriage. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of cohabitating before marriage, providing a balanced perspective on the subject.

In conclusion, the decision to cohabitate before marriage is a deeply personal one and should be approached with careful consideration. While there can be potential benefits such as gaining a clearer understanding of compatibility and establishing a solid foundation, there are also potential risks such as complacency and a decrease in the overall commitment towards marriage. It is essential for couples contemplating cohabitation to communicate openly, discuss expectations, and be aware of the potential challenges they may face. Furthermore, seeking guidance from relationship experts or counselors can help navigate the complexities that may arise. Ultimately, the success of cohabitation before marriage relies on the willingness of the individuals involved to commit, communicate, and prioritize the long-term goals and values of their relationship.