Compare and contrast absolute and relative approaches on culture and morality.


Zow, when you type in all-caps, two things happen:

**it's harder to read, and
**it's the online equivalent to SHOUTING.

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An absolute approach insists that every deed must follow a certain authority, be it religious or custom. A relative approach assumes that there are grey areas and tends to be more pragmatic.

Consider the abortion question. The absolute approach states that any abortion is morally wrong, even in cases of or incest. The relative approach states that although no abortion is good, sometimes it's necessary.

ooo soz didn't know it meant i was shouting and i understand know oe will do it for me its just part of an essay i have to write and i just need some suggestions or inspiration on wha tto write

thank you Ms. Sue but am i mean to relate my answer to both morality and culture because i was going to do somethng like

cultural relativism is .....
cultural absoltuism is....
then do the same for morality

Read these sites for many ideas.

Here is a cultural absolutism I dealt with in Mississippi.

Some girls of a particular church had to wear dresses on all occasions, and in PE, this caused problems. This is cultural absolutism.
Taking the cultural relativism, girls would have to wear dresses in schools, but at PE, they can wear shorts and shirts.

I'd be happy to help! Let's start by understanding the basics of absolute and relative approaches when it comes to culture and morality.

Absolute Approach:
The absolute approach, also known as moral absolutism, posits that there are universal and unchanging moral principles that apply to all cultures and societies. According to this perspective, certain actions or behaviors are inherently right or wrong, regardless of cultural or contextual differences. In other words, moral values and principles are objective and independent of individual or cultural beliefs.

Relative Approach:
The relative approach, also referred to as moral relativism, suggests that moral principles and values are not fixed or universal. Instead, they vary across cultures, societies, and individuals. According to this perspective, what is morally right or wrong is determined by cultural norms, beliefs, and social context. In essence, moral values are subjective and dependent on cultural and personal perspectives.

Now, let's compare and contrast the two approaches on culture and morality:

1. Universality vs. Cultural Diversity:
- Absolute Approach: It asserts that there are moral principles that hold true for everyone, regardless of cultural differences.
- Relative Approach: It recognizes that moral values and principles can vary across cultures due to cultural diversity.

2. Objective vs. Subjective:
- Absolute Approach: It considers moral values as objective truths that are independent of individual beliefs or cultural norms.
- Relative Approach: It views moral values as subjective and dependent on personal or cultural perspectives.

3. Absolutism vs. Flexibility:
- Absolute Approach: It emphasizes the importance of adhering to universal moral truths and does not tolerate moral relativism.
- Relative Approach: It allows for flexibility and recognizes the possibility of multiple valid moral perspectives within different cultures.

4. Moral Criticism:
- Absolute Approach: It is likely to criticize cultural practices or beliefs that contradict universal moral principles.
- Relative Approach: It avoids imposing judgments on other cultures' practices and examines them within their own cultural context.

It's important to note that these are broad generalizations, and various philosophical and cultural perspectives exist within each approach. When analyzing cultural and moral issues, it can be useful to consider both absolute and relative perspectives to gain a more comprehensive understanding.