a website for information on what food scientists do


do you know another one?

That's the standard site for careers. What are you specifically looking for that is not covered in that site?

nevermind. thanks!

If you're looking for a website that provides information on what food scientists do, there are a few reliable sources you can check out:

1. Institute of Food Technologists (IFT): The IFT is a professional organization for food scientists and technologists. Their website (www.ift.org) offers a wide range of resources, including detailed descriptions of the work done by food scientists, educational requirements, career opportunities, and industry trends.

2. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA): The USDA's website (www.usda.gov) has a dedicated section on food science, where you can find information on research, regulations, food safety, and the role of food scientists in various government programs. Explore the "Food and Nutrition" or "Food Safety" sections of their site.

3. Cornell University Food Science Department: Cornell University has one of the leading food science departments in the United States. Their website (foodscience.cornell.edu) provides detailed information about the field, ongoing research, faculty expertise, and educational programs.

4. The American Society for Nutrition (ASN): While not exclusively focused on food science, the ASN (www.nutrition.org) is a valuable resource for understanding the intersection of food and nutrition. Their website offers information on the scientific aspects of food, including the role of food scientists in studying nutritional content, health benefits, and food processing techniques.

Remember, it's always a good practice to cross-reference information from various sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of a topic.