why were the acient assyrians considered the first true emipre?

how did they did they do it?


it doesnt really give a straight answer anywhere on the wiki page

what i could guess is that they expended more than any others or that they had a official language

thanks for responding

Your answer is basically correct.

Did you read about the period of growth?

im reading

thanks ms.sue

The ancient Assyrians are often considered the first true empire due to the way they established and maintained a centralized and powerful state in Mesopotamia during the 9th to 7th centuries BCE. They achieved this by employing several strategies:

1. Military Expansion: The Assyrians had a highly organized and formidable military force. They developed advanced tactics and weaponry, such as iron weapons and siege machinery, which allowed them to conquer and control vast territories. Through a series of successful military campaigns, they expanded their empire and established dominance over neighboring regions.

2. Centralized Administration: The Assyrians established a centralized administration system to efficiently manage their empire. They divided their territories into provinces controlled by appointed governors, who were responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining order, and enforcing Assyrian laws. This centralized model allowed the empire to function effectively and exert control over a large population.

3. Infrastructure Development: The Assyrians invested heavily in building infrastructure to support their empire. They constructed an extensive network of roads, bridges, and canals, facilitating communication, trade, and the movement of troops across the empire. This infrastructure was crucial for maintaining control over a vast territory.

4. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare: The Assyrians employed psychological tactics to strike fear and deter potential rebellions. They developed a reputation for brutal and ruthless warfare, implementing mass deportations and mass terror to discourage opposition. They would often publicize their victories and atrocities through comprehensive record-keeping and elaborate palace reliefs, aiming to intimidate their enemies and assert their dominance.

5. Efficient Communication: The Assyrians developed an advanced communication system to facilitate the flow of information across their empire. They established relay stations and a network of messengers who could swiftly carry messages employing a system resembling a relay race. This enabled quick dissemination of orders, intelligence, and news, thus maintaining efficient control and governance.

In summary, the ancient Assyrians were considered the first true empire due to their military prowess, centralized administration, infrastructure development, propaganda tactics, and efficient communication systems. These factors allowed them to conquer and govern a large empire that exerted significant influence over the ancient Near East.