1. Any number in the form of a +- bi, where a and b are real numbers and b =/ 0 is considered a pure

imaginary number.

True or False

2. The minimum value of a function is the smallest y-value of the function.

True or False

3. i^2 = square root of -1

True or False

4. Complex numbers can be graphed on the real xy coordinate plane.

True or False

#1 false -- a+bi is imaginary if a=0 and b≠0

#2 true
#3 false -- i^2 = -1 ... i = √-1
#4 true

looks like you need to review the topic -- these are the bare basics

Ima wait for someone to help me.

Out of curiosity, what do you think the answers are?

Imaginary numbers shouldn't exist.

Thank you for your response! I really needed it!

This helped me greatly.

I don't agree with the answer to #4

A number such as 5 + 4i cannot be graphed on the real xy coordinate plane.
We need the Argand plane, where the horizontal axis would be the a value of
a + bi, and the vertical axis would be the b value of a + bi