Franca Traveled 6.8km from one town to another Town. Where might Franca have traveled.

From Alamo Heights to San Antonio.

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There is not enough information to answer


To determine where Franca might have traveled, we need to consider the context and additional information provided. Since the distance traveled is given as 6.8km, this suggests that Franca traveled from one town to another town within a certain range.

To find out possible locations, we can check maps or other resources that provide information on town distances. Geographic tools like Google Maps or a local map application can be helpful in determining towns within a 6.8km range.

Here is how you can use Google Maps:

1. Open Google Maps on your computer or mobile device.
2. Type in the starting point or current location where Franca began her journey.
3. Enter the travel distance of 6.8km in the 'Directions' tab.
4. Google Maps will calculate the distance and show the possible destinations within that range.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the towns that are within 6.8km from Franca's starting point. This will give you a clearer idea of the possible locations she might have traveled.

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bottie to bottie

Franca Traveled 6.8km from one town to another Town. Where might Franca have traveled?