What is social injustice on a personal scale? Any examples would be appreciated.

Would someone attacking you and you use self defense against them a form of social injustice?

If someone attacks you and you use SELF-DEFENSE, it's definitely not any kind of "injustice"!

One kind of social injustice was when this country practiced "separate but equal" laws and attitudes:

Another possibility is what some have called "reverse discrimination":
(I couldn't find much of anything on this topic that is balanced; just about everything is biased in one direction or another.)

There are many others. Just read newspapers (in print or online: http://www.newspapers.com/ ). You'll find more examples.

To me, and I am a yellow dog liberal, letting the poor go without medical care, or shelter, or food is a grave social injustice. It is a social injustice to let children not have the opportunity for quality education (whether they are or are not now in homeschooling, public, or private schools). It is a social injustice to allow rich peoples income (bonds, stocks) to be taxes at a lower rate than less wealthy folks.

Writeacher posted excellent examples of social injustice in the United States. If you don't live in the U.S., you may want to Google social justice + your country's name. This site gives a broad overview of social justice.


Social injustice on a personal scale refers to unfair or unjust treatment of individuals within their immediate social environment. It involves instances where individuals are denied their rights, treated unequally, or subjected to discrimination within their personal relationships or interactions.

While situations of self-defense can be complex and depend on specific circumstances, it is important to distinguish between personal self-defense and social injustice. Self-defense typically involves protecting oneself from immediate physical harm or danger, and it is considered a right under certain legal systems. It is a response to an immediate threat rather than a systemic issue of injustice.

Social injustice on a personal scale involves broader patterns of discrimination, prejudice, or unfair treatment based on factors such as race, gender, social class, religion, or disabilities. Here are a few examples:

1. Workplace discrimination: Being denied job opportunities, promotions, fair wages, or experiencing harassment due to personal characteristics, such as gender, race, or age.

2. Unequal treatment in education: Facing disparities in access to quality education, resources, and opportunities based on socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic background, or disabilities.

3. Housing discrimination: Being denied housing or facing unequal access to housing options due to factors like race, religion, or disability.

4. Harassment and prejudice: Experiencing verbal or physical abuse, bullying, or hate crimes based on personal characteristics, such as sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or appearance.

5. Financial exploitation: Being subjected to unfair financial practices, such as predatory lending, fraud, or exploitation, particularly targeted at vulnerable individuals or marginalized communities.

It is important to address and challenge social injustice on both personal and systemic levels, striving for equality, fairness, and the protection of individual rights within our social interactions and institutions.