The first European country to adopt a program of social welfare legistaltion was

A. Germany

B. France

C. Britain

D. Russia

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To determine the first European country to adopt a program of social welfare legislation, we can look into the history of social welfare in each of the listed countries.

A. Germany: Germany is known for its social welfare system, but it was not the first European country to adopt such legislation.

B. France: France has a long history of social welfare measures, but it was not the first European country to implement a comprehensive program.

C. Britain: Britain is recognized as the first European country to adopt a program of social welfare legislation. In the late 19th century, the British government introduced a series of social reforms collectively known as the "Welfare State." These reforms aimed to address poverty, public health, education, and housing, among other social issues.

D. Russia: While Russia has undergone significant social changes throughout its history, it did not adopt a comprehensive program of social welfare legislation before Britain.

Based on this information, the correct answer is C. Britain.