what are the nouns in this sentence?

A foot of snow had fallen since the last sled had passed over, and he was glad he was without a sled, travelling light.

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The nouns in the sentence are:

1. foot
2. snow
3. sled
4. pass
5. he

To identify the nouns in a sentence, you need to look for words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. Here are the nouns in the given sentence:

- foot
- snow
- sled
- last
- light

To find the nouns, you can start by looking for the main subject of the sentence. In this case, "foot" and "snow" are the main subjects. Then, you can identify other nouns such as "sled," "last," and "light" by looking for additional objects or subjects in the sentence.

It's important to note that other words in the sentence can function as different parts of speech, such as verbs or adjectives, but the nouns specifically refer to people, places, things, or ideas.