can you show me how to solve and graph this?


I'd put it into and see what happens.

Someone who knows math will be able to explain it to you, no doubt.

Divide each side by 3:

-27/3 > 3t/3

-9 > t or t < -9

For graphing...

On the number line, use an open dot on -9 (to indicate >) and draw a line extending to the right.

Thank you very much. :-)

For graph:

go on :

w o l f r a m a l p h a . c o m

When page be open in rectangle type :

plot - 27 > 3 t , t = -19 to 1

and click option =

You will see graph

I'm sorry...don't draw the line to the right- draw it to the left.

Sure! To solve the inequality -27 > 3t, we can follow a few steps:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by 3 to isolate the variable t. Remember that when dividing an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality flips.
-27/3 > 3t/3
-9 > t

Step 2: Simplify the inequality. The inequality -9 > t is equivalent to t < -9.

So, the solution to the inequality -27 > 3t is t < -9.

To graph this solution on a number line, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a number line and label it accordingly.

Step 2: Mark a closed circle at -9.

Step 3: Shade the region to the left of -9, indicating that all values less than -9 satisfy the inequality t < -9.

Your graph should look like this:



As you can see, the closed circle at -9 indicates that -9 is not included in the solution set, and the shaded region to the left shows that any value less than -9 satisfies the original inequality.