There is a mosquito on a human. What type of relationship is that?

A. Predation
B. Commensalism
C. Mutualism
D. Parasitism

No wait D

D is correct.


The correct answer is D. Parasitism.

In order to determine the type of relationship between a mosquito and a human, we need to understand the nature of their interaction.

To do so, we can break down each of the options:

A. Predation: Predation refers to a situation in which one organism, the predator, kills and consumes another organism, the prey. However, in the case of a mosquito on a human, the mosquito is not killing or consuming the human.

B. Commensalism: Commensalism describes a relationship where one organism benefits, while the other organism is neither harmed nor benefited. This is also not applicable to the mosquito and human relationship, as the mosquito may benefit from it, while the human is harmed.

C. Mutualism: Mutualism is a type of relationship in which both organisms involved benefit from their interaction. However, in the case of a mosquito biting a human, the human does not receive any benefit from this interaction.

D. Parasitism: Parasitism is a relationship in which one organism, the parasite, benefits from its interaction with the other organism, the host, while the host is harmed. In the scenario of a mosquito on a human, the mosquito acts as a parasite, feeding on the blood of the human and potentially transmitting diseases, while the human is harmed by the mosquito's bite.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Parasitism

I don't think so. It certainly isn't of benefit to me!

You're welcome.