laptop $1090.00 with 20% off and then another 15% taken off

20% of 1090 is 218

15% of 872 is 130.8
872-130.8= 741.2.
So the answer would be $741.2

depends on what they want - the total discount, the % discount, or the selling price.

1-.8*.85 = .32 = 32% total % discount
32% of 1090 = 348.80 total discount
so, 1090-348.80 = 741.20 final price

To find the final price of the laptop after both discounts, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the first discount of 20% off the original price.
Original price = $1090.00
Discount = 20% = 20/100 = 0.20
Amount saved in the first discount = Original price x Discount
= $1090.00 x 0.20
= $218.00
Price after the first discount = Original price - Amount saved
= $1090.00 - $218.00
= $872.00

Step 2: Calculate the second discount of 15% off the price after the first discount.
Price after the first discount = $872.00
Discount = 15% = 15/100 = 0.15
Amount saved in the second discount = Price after the first discount x Discount
= $872.00 x 0.15
= $130.80
Final price of the laptop = Price after the first discount - Amount saved in the second discount
= $872.00 - $130.80
= $741.20

Therefore, the final price of the laptop after both discounts is $741.20.