please check my answers and thank you

1. what resource first drew european traders to canada ?

A. timber
B. fish
C. animal furs (i pick this)
D. whales

2. Evaluate which of the following most allowed religious freedom and french laws in canadas history ?

A. quebec Act (i pick this)
B. religious freedom act
C. act of union
D. british north america act

3.which of canadas climate regions has very little vegetation and very cold weather for much of the year?

A. maritime
B. tundra
C. subartic (i pick this)
D. continental

4. how would you best classify canads goverment system ?

A. direct democracy
B. just like the united states
C. constitutional monarchy (i picked this)
D. oligarchy

i need all the answers for this test

Could i have all 25 questions answered please?

give m e all answers i been stuck and i have 5 overdue lessons

9. Identify the darkened area on the map above. (1 point)


18. Identify the French-speaking province shown darkened above. (1 point)

I don't know about 2, but the other three are right.

which 2 and which 3 are right?

and i only have 4 problems

I only see one question 2 and one question 3.

She said #1,3,4 is correct and #2 is wrong

thanks for clearing that up

May someone please answer number 2, I am not saying I want the answer as in cheating, but can someone please tell me what they think number 2 is? Thanks because I really need help with Geography.

the answer is ?????????????????????????????

If you lived near the grand Banks you might be most interested in conserving this natural resource

Actually, a place with little vegetation is called a tundra.

But yes your right.:) good job


jdogfreeman you can't have 5 overdue lessons. This is the last lesson of the class. Social Studies 7 A

