Can you check these sentences?

Identify whether each sentence includes an action verb, linking verb, or verb phrase.

1. Celina is coming to my house after dinner.
Linking = is
verb phrase = is coming

2. The weather was beautiful this past weekend.
Linking = was
verb phrase = was beautiful

3. Hector saw a movie at the theater last night.
Action = saw
No verb phrase

4. He has been sick all this week.
Linking = been
verb phrase = has been sick

5. We were not happy about our team's loss.
Linking = were
verb phrase = were happy

6. The little girl cried when her father left.
Action = cried
no verb phrase

#1. "is coming" is the verb (present progressive tense)

#4. "has been" is the verb (present perfect tense)

1. IS is not a linking verb in this sentence. It's a helping verb in the verb phrase.

2. BEAUTIFUL is an adjective and not part of a verb phrase. IS is a linking verb here.

3. Right.

4 and 5. These are both wrong. Can you correct them?

6. Right.


1. Celina is coming to my house after dinner.
action verb = coming
verb phrase = is coming

2. The weather was beautiful this past weekend.
- this is linking verb only (was)?

4. He has been sick all this week.
verb phrase = has been

5. We were not happy about our team's loss.
linking = were

All are correct now. :-)

whew..thanks! I need to review more.

You're welcome.

Great job identifying the types of verbs in each sentence! Here's a breakdown of your answers:

1. Celina is coming to my house after dinner.
- Linking verb: is
- Verb phrase: is coming

2. The weather was beautiful this past weekend.
- Linking verb: was
- Verb phrase: was beautiful

3. Hector saw a movie at the theater last night.
- Action verb: saw
- No verb phrase

4. He has been sick all this week.
- Linking verb: been
- Verb phrase: has been sick

5. We were not happy about our team's loss.
- Linking verb: were
- Verb phrase: were happy

6. The little girl cried when her father left.
- Action verb: cried
- No verb phrase

To identify the type of verb in each sentence, you need to understand the different categories of verbs:

1. Action verbs: These verbs describe a physical or mental action. For example, "coming" and "saw" are action verbs in sentences 1 and 3, respectively.

2. Linking verbs: These verbs connect the subject of the sentence to more information about the subject, such as a noun, pronoun, or adjective. Examples of linking verbs are "is," "was," and "were." Linking verbs do not show action; instead, they show a state of being or the condition of the subject.

3. Verb phrases: A verb phrase consists of a main verb and one or more helping verbs. In sentences 1 and 4, the verb phrases are "is coming" and "has been sick," respectively. These phrases include a main verb ("coming" and "sick") and a helping verb ("is" and "has been").

By recognizing the different types of verbs and verb phrases, you can accurately identify them in sentences. Keep up the great work!