i did all the question except for these 3

characterization chart w/ 5 textually supported inferences specific to protagonist and 5 textually supported inferences specific to the antagonist.

static/flat character with text support of intended stereotype paragraph form

dynamic/ round character: with text support of explanation off dynamic growth. (paragraph form)

please help!and help on my biology

Sure! I can help you with those questions. Here's how you can approach each of them:

1. Characterization chart with inferences for protagonist and antagonist:
To create a characterization chart, you will first need to write down the key traits or characteristics of both the protagonist and the antagonist. Then, look for specific textual evidence or quotes from the text that support each trait for both characters. It's important to ensure that your inferences or conclusions are directly supported by the text.

For example, let's say you're analyzing a novel. Start by making a table with two columns, one for the protagonist and one for the antagonist. Then, list the key traits for each character, supporting each trait with textual evidence. You can include at least five inferences for both the protagonist and the antagonist.

2. Static/flat character with text support of intended stereotype:
A static or flat character is a character that does not undergo significant growth or change throughout the story. They tend to maintain the same set of traits or behaviors without much development. To identify a character like this, look for consistent traits displayed by the character throughout the text.

Once you have identified a static character, provide text-supported evidence that demonstrates an intended stereotype associated with that character. Write a paragraph explaining how the author uses this character to reinforce a particular stereotype, and support your explanation with specific quotes or references from the text.

3. Dynamic/round character with text support of explanation of dynamic growth:
A dynamic or round character is a character who experiences significant growth or change throughout the story. These characters may undergo a transformation in their beliefs, behaviors, or circumstances. To identify a dynamic character, analyze their development over the course of the narrative.

Once you have identified a dynamic character, provide text-supported evidence of their growth or change. Write a paragraph explaining how the character evolves throughout the story and how their experiences contribute to their development. Include specific quotes or references from the text to support your explanation.

Now, if you have any specific questions regarding your biology assignment, please let me know.