How did Lamarck and Darwin differ in their thinking about species?

A. Darwin thought that organisms could induce their own changes, while Lamarck thought that change could only be induced by an organism's environment.

B. Darwin thought that change could occur in individual organisms, while Lamarck thought that change could only occur across generations.

C. Darwin thought that genes controlled a species' ability to survive, while Lamarck thought that genes were only one part of a species' ability to adapt.

D. Darwin thought that organisms had to struggle to survive, while Lamarck thought that organisms could make adjustments when conditions became difficult.

Luther Burbank was a plant breeder who developed a strain of potato plant that produced more tubers of larger size than other potato plants that were grown on farms at the time. This strain of potato was also resistant to the potato blight that had wiped out the potato crops in Ireland in the mid-1800s. How did Burbank's process in developing this potato compare to the process of natural selection?

a. Burbank's process was slower.
b. Burbank's process did not affect the genetic makeup of the potato.
c. Burbank's process did not place the potato plant under any type of selection.
d. Burbank's process did not involve environmental pressures to shape the outcome.

For the first one, I think it is either C or D. The second one is D?
How did Lamarck and Darwin differ in their thinking about species?

A. Darwin thought that organisms could induce their own changes, while Lamarck thought that change could only be induced by an organism's environment.

B. Darwin thought that change could occur in individual organisms, while Lamarck thought that change could only occur across generations.

C. Darwin thought that genes controlled a species' ability to survive, while Lamarck thought that genes were only one part of a species' ability to adapt.

D. Darwin thought that organisms had to struggle to survive, while Lamarck thought that organisms could make adjustments when conditions became difficult.

Luther Burbank was a plant breeder who developed a strain of potato plant that produced more tubers of larger size than other potato plants that were grown on farms at the time. This strain of potato was also resistant to the potato blight that had wiped out the potato crops in Ireland in the mid-1800s. How did Burbank's process in developing this potato compare to the process of natural selection?

a. Burbank's process was slower.
b. Burbank's process did not affect the genetic makeup of the potato.
c. Burbank's process did not place the potato plant under any type of selection.
d. Burbank's process did not involve environmental pressures to shape the outcome.

For the first one, I think it is either C or D. The second one is D?


15. common ancestor
16. punctuated equilibrium
17. adaptation
18. overproduction
19. body
20. artificial selection
21. inheritance
22. homologues structures
23. older


Is Alison right?

Can someone please put the answers on here....

need specific answers

#1 is B.

Dang this was in 2014! Haha 2015 boo yeah!

does anyone know the answers to this?

I need answers ppl

Does anyone have answers to this test??

Does Anyone know the answer?? 1 either B or C