Rob practiced 3/5 of his music in 25 minutes. About how long did it take him to practice all his music?

(3/5)25 = (5/5)x

3/5x = 25

x = 25 / 3/5

x = 25 * (5/3)

x = 125 / 3

x = 41.67 or about 42 minutes

To find how long it took Rob to practice all his music, we can set up a proportion. We know that Rob practiced 3/5 of his music in 25 minutes.

Let x represent the total amount of time it took him to practice all his music.

We can set up the proportion:

(3/5) / 25 = 1 / x

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

(3/5) * x = 25 * 1

Multiplying both sides:

3x / 5 = 25

Next, we can multiply both sides by 5 to isolate 3x:

3x = 25 * 5


3x = 125

Lastly, divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:

x = 125 / 3

Therefore, it took Rob approximately 41.67 minutes to practice all his music.