What is bone strengthening?

A. How hard a person works to do an activity

B. How hard a person plans to do an activity

C. How easily a person is able to do an activity

D. How difficult it is for a person to complete an activity

None of the options A, B, C, or D accurately describes "bone strengthening." Bone strengthening refers to increasing the density and strength of bones through various activities such as weight-bearing exercises, resistance training, and adequate calcium and vitamin D intake. It is aimed at reducing the risk of bone fractures and improving overall bone health.

Bone strengthening refers to the process of improving the strength, density, and overall health of one's bones. It involves activities or interventions that promote the growth and development of strong bones. To get a more detailed understanding of bone strengthening, it would be helpful to consult reputable medical sources such as medical textbooks, research articles, or trusted health websites. These sources will provide comprehensive information on bone strengthening exercises, nutrition, and other factors that contribute to bone health and strength.