Hello my name is Travon I need help on making my spelling words into two sendence liks See the green frog. He is sitting on the log

Here is the correct spelling of the words (Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar) Travon to the following of what you posted above:

Hello! My name is Travon. I need help on making my spelling words into two sentences. For example, a sentence I need to write is, "I see the green frog", or "He is sitting on the log."

See the green frog that is sitting on the log.

Hello Travon! I'd be happy to help you turn your spelling words into two-sentence "lik" (link) format. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Identify the spelling word: Let's take the word "frog" as an example.

2. Create the first sentence: Write a sentence that describes or introduces the word. For example, "I saw a green frog."

3. Use a linking word: Transition to the second sentence using a linking word or phrase. In this case, we can use "and."

4. Create the second sentence: Write a sentence that provides additional information or extends the idea of the first sentence. For example, "He was sitting on a log."

Combining these steps, the two-sentence "lik" for the word "frog" will be: "I saw a green frog, and he was sitting on a log."

You can repeat this process for your other spelling words. Remember to change the sentence structure and be creative in providing details about each word.