when youre planning a convention,which one of the following steps would you complete first?

a.forming the comittees
b.writing the invitation
c.selecting the site
d.writing the program

my answer is b

No, first you should select a site you want it to be at, because if you send out invitations and you don't have any where for it to be, your in trouble


I'd be choosing between c and d ... leaning toward d. Shouldn't you know what the whole program will be about before you start dealing with specifics??

To determine which step should be completed first when planning a convention, let's break down each option:

a. Forming the committees: While committees are essential for planning and executing a successful convention, this step typically comes after other initial planning steps. Committees can help with various aspects of the convention, but they require guidance and instructions on what needs to be accomplished.

b. Writing the invitation: This step involves designing and drafting the invitations to be sent out to potential attendees. While invitations are an important part of the planning process, they usually come after essential logistical decisions have been made.

c. Selecting the site: This step involves choosing the location or venue where the convention will be held. Selecting the site is a crucial decision that can affect other aspects of the planning process, such as the available dates, capacity, and logistics. By selecting the site, you can establish a foundation for the other planning steps.

d. Writing the program: The program outlines the agenda and schedule of events during the convention. While this step is important, it often comes after other decisions have been made, such as selecting the site and confirming speakers or workshop presenters.

Based on the options provided, selecting the site (option c) is typically the first step to complete when planning a convention. This choice sets the foundation for other planning decisions and allows you to move forward with logistical details like dates, capacity, and accommodations.