which of the following would happen to the moon if gravity no longer affected it ?

a) the moon would continue to move on it's orbital path
b) the moon stop moving all together
c) the moon would move in a spiral toward earth
d) the moon would move in a straight line

1 B,C

2. D
3. C
4. I dont know the answer but its not B

the moon will move in a straight line. this is the right answer

If gravity no longer affected the moon, its motion would change. To determine which of the given options is correct, let's consider Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia. It states that an object will remain in its state of motion, whether at rest or moving with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

In this case, the moon is already in motion around the Earth due to the gravitational force acting on it. So, once the gravitational force is removed, the moon would continue to move along its orbital path, which is option (a).

Therefore, the correct answer is:
a) the moon would continue to move on its orbital path.

I assume that you mean the Earth's gravity. D

No. Im am on Connexus, the page that she completed it on so she means moon. The answer is B PsyDAG