You place a box weighing 208N on an inclined plane that makes a 40.3 degree angle to the horizontal.

Compute the component of the gravitational force acting down the inclined plane.
Answer in N

I figured it out. 208 x cos 40.3= 181.1011...

To calculate the component of the gravitational force acting down the inclined plane, you need to find the parallel component of the weight of the box. This can be done by using trigonometry.

Step 1: Find the weight of the box
The weight of the box is given as 208N.

Step 2: Calculate the component of the weight along the incline
To find the component of the weight along the incline, you need to use the formula:
Weight_parallel = Weight * sin(angle)

In this case, the angle is 40.3 degrees, so you can substitute the values:

Weight_parallel = 208N * sin(40.3°)

Step 3: Calculate the component of the weight along the incline
Now you can use a calculator to evaluate the sin(40.3°) and multiply it by the weight:
Weight_parallel = 208N * 0.642

Step 4: Calculate the component of the weight along the incline
Finally, you can multiply the weight by the sine value to find the component of the weight along the incline:
Weight_parallel ≈ 133.056 N

Therefore, the component of the gravitational force acting down the inclined plane is approximately 133.056 N.