just want to check if my answer is right for this problem:

4+[20/4)*2] + [(2*8)/4]=18

is the answer 18?

4+[20/4)*2] + [(2*8)/4]=18

4 + 10 + 4 = 18


18 is correct and im only in fifth gradde whey!!!!!!!

To check if your answer is correct for the given problem, we can evaluate the expression step by step and see if it equals 18.

Starting with the expression:
4 + [20/4)*2] + [(2*8)/4]

First, let's simplify the expression inside the square brackets:
20 divided by 4 equals 5. So, the expression becomes:
4 + (5 * 2) + [(2 * 8) / 4]

Next, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
5 multiplied by 2 equals 10. So, the expression becomes:
4 + 10 + [(2 * 8) / 4]

Now, let's simplify the expression inside the second pair of square brackets:
2 multiplied by 8 equals 16. Then, 16 divided by 4 equals 4.
So, the expression becomes:
4 + 10 + 4

Finally, let's simplify the remaining addition:
4 + 10 equals 14. Therefore, the final expression becomes:
14 + 4

Adding the numbers together, we get:
14 + 4 = 18

So, the final answer is indeed 18. Your answer is correct!