find exact values for

the number of radians for an arc of 4pi/3 on a unit circle

is the answer 4pi/3???


15pi/6 find exact value

Yes, the answer is indeed 4pi/3. To understand how to find this value, let's break it down.

When we talk about a unit circle, we are referring to a circle with a radius of 1 unit. The circumference of a circle is given by 2πr, where r is the radius. In this case, since the radius is 1, the circumference of the unit circle is 2π.

Now, if we divide the circumference of the unit circle by its radius, we obtain the formula for finding the measure of an arc in radians. This formula is θ = s/r, where θ represents the measure of the arc in radians, s is the length of the arc, and r is the radius.

In your case, the length of the arc is 4π/3. By substituting this value into the formula, we can solve for θ:

θ = (4π/3)/1
θ = 4π/3

Therefore, the number of radians for an arc of 4π/3 on a unit circle is indeed 4π/3.