If Employee A logged 120 hours of travel in four years and Employee B logged hours of travel at a 20% higher rate, how many more hours did Employee B have than Employee A after 1.5 years?


To solve this problem, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the travel hours logged by Employee B in four years.
Employee A logged 120 hours of travel in four years.
So, Employee B would have logged 20% more, which is 120 hours + 20% of 120 hours.
20% of 120 hours = (20/100) * 120 = 24 hours.
Therefore, Employee B logged 120 hours + 24 hours = 144 hours in four years.

Step 2: Calculate the travel hours logged by Employee B in 1.5 years.
To find out how many more hours Employee B logged than Employee A after 1.5 years, we need to figure out the travel hours logged by both employees in that time period.
Since the time period in question is 1.5 years, we can find the travel hours for Employee B by finding 1.5/4 (the fraction of the total four-year period) and multiplying it by the total travel hours logged in four years.

Fraction of four-year period: 1.5/4 = 0.375 (or 37.5%)

Travel hours logged by Employee B in 1.5 years = 0.375 * 144 hours.

Step 3: Calculate the difference in travel hours between Employee B and Employee A after 1.5 years.
Difference = Travel hours of Employee B in 1.5 years - Travel hours of Employee A in 1.5 years.

Therefore, the number of more hours Employee B had than Employee A after 1.5 years is:
(0.375 * 144 hours) - (0.375 * 120 hours).