Five weeks is how many seventy-thirds of a year(assume a year is 365 days)?

5*7 = 35

35/365 = ?/73

7 weeks

To determine how many seventy-thirds of a year are in five weeks, we need to convert the time units to a common denominator.

First, let's convert five weeks to days. Since there are seven days in a week, we multiply 5 by 7 to get 35 days.

Next, let's determine how many seventy-thirds are in a year. To do this, we'll divide the total number of days in a year (365 days) by the fraction representation of seventy-thirds.

The fraction representation of seventy-thirds is calculated as follows:
70/3 = 23 with a remainder of 1 (70 ÷ 3 = 23 remainder 1)

Therefore, seventy-thirds is equivalent to 23 and one-third.

To determine how many seventy-thirds are in a year, we multiply 23 by 365 (the number of days in a year) and add 1/3 of 365.

23 × 365 + 1/3 × 365

8,395 + 121.67


So, there are approximately 8,516 and 2/3 seventy-thirds in a year.

Finally, to determine how many seventy-thirds of a year are in five weeks (35 days), we divide 35 by the number of days that constitute one seventy-third of a year (8,516.67 ÷ 365), and then multiply the result by 70.

(35 ÷ (8,516.67 ÷ 365)) × 70

(35 ÷ 23.319) × 70

1.5 × 70


Therefore, there are approximately 105 seventy-thirds of a year in five weeks.