With 365 days in a year, how many days are in 15 of a year?(1 point) Responses 75 75 63 63 73 73 83

There are 15 days in 15 years.

To calculate the number of days in 15% of a year, you need to first determine the total number of days in a year and then calculate 15% of that total.

There are 365 days in a year, so 15% of a year would be:

15/100 * 365 = 54.75

Now, since there cannot be fractional days, we need to round this number to the nearest whole number. In this case, we round up if the decimal part is 0.5 or greater, and round down if it is less than 0.5.

So, rounding up 54.75 to the nearest whole number, we get:


Therefore, there are 55 days in 15% of a year.

they meant 1/5 of a year not 15

With 365 days in year. how many days are in 1/5 of a year?

To calculate the number of days in 15 years, you can multiply the number of years by the number of days in a year. In this case, the number of days in a year is 365.

15 years * 365 days/year = 5475 days

So, there are 5475 days in 15 years, not 75, 63, 73, or 83.