In Europe, gasoline efficiency is measured in km/L. If your car's gas mileage is 39.0mi/gal , how many liters of gasoline would you need to buy to complete a 142-km trip in Europe? Use the following conversions: 1km=0.6214mi and 1gal=3.78L.

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To find out how many liters of gasoline you would need to buy for a 142-km trip in Europe, we can use the given conversion rates.

First, let's convert your car's gas mileage from miles per gallon (mi/gal) to kilometers per liter (km/L).

We know that 1 mile is equal to 0.6214 km, and 1 gallon is equal to 3.78 liters.

So, to convert from mi/gal to km/L, we can use the formula:

Gas mileage in km/L = Gas mileage in mi/gal * (1 km / 0.6214 mi) * (1 gal / 3.78 L)

Now, let's plug in the given gas mileage of 39.0 mi/gal into the formula:

Gas mileage in km/L = 39.0 mi/gal * (1 km / 0.6214 mi) * (1 gal / 3.78 L)

Simplifying the equation:

Gas mileage in km/L = 62.765 km/L

Now that we have converted the gas mileage to km/L, we can calculate the number of liters of gasoline you would need for a 142-km trip.

To do this, we can use the formula:

Liters of gasoline = Distance of the trip / Gas mileage in km/L

Plugging in the values:

Liters of gasoline = 142 km / 62.765 km/L

Calculating the result:

Liters of gasoline ≈ 2.26 L

Therefore, you would need to buy approximately 2.26 liters of gasoline to complete a 142-km trip in Europe.