Is GPA a quantitative or categorical variable?

I think it is quantitative because it consists of numbers...

I agree.

You are correct. GPA (Grade Point Average) is a quantitative variable. It represents a numerical measurement of a student's academic performance, usually on a scale of 0 to 4 or 0 to 5. Quantitative variables are characterized by having numerical values that can be measured and compared mathematically. In the case of GPA, the numbers represent specific levels of achievement.

Yes, you are correct. GPA (Grade Point Average) is a quantitative variable. It is considered quantitative because it consists of numerical values that can be measured and compared. Each GPA value represents a specific level of achievement on a numerical scale, usually ranging from 0.0 to 4.0 or equivalent.

To determine whether a variable is quantitative or categorical, it's crucial to understand the nature of the variable and the available data. If a variable consists of numerical values that can be manipulated mathematically or compared using quantitative operations such as addition, subtraction, or averaging, then it is a quantitative variable. In the case of GPA, it satisfies these criteria and is therefore considered quantitative.
