1. You want to discover your learning style because:

you are curious.
it lets you know how you learn best.
it makes learning easy.
you want to know if you are visual or auditory.

it is B

2. Online learning is impossible without:
information literacy.
media literacy.
the use of textbooks.
an Internet connection.

im confused with this question please help

I agree with you about B for the first question.

In the second, one of those choices is absolutely necessary before any others can take place. Which one?

To determine the correct answer to question 2, we need to understand what online learning entails and the essential elements required for it to be possible. Online learning refers to any form of education or training that takes place over the internet rather than in a physical classroom.

The first option, "information literacy," is the ability to find, evaluate, and use information effectively. While it is essential to have information literacy skills for successful online learning, it is not the only requirement for its possibility.

The second option, "media literacy," is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media messages in various forms. Media literacy is also crucial for online learning, as it involves critical thinking and understanding of different online media formats, but it alone is not sufficient for online learning.

The third option, "the use of textbooks," is not an essential requirement for online learning. While textbooks can be used as supplementary materials in online courses, they are not a prerequisite for online learning to take place.

The last option, "an Internet connection," is the correct answer. Without an Internet connection, it would be impossible to access online learning platforms, participate in virtual classrooms, access course materials, and engage in online discussions. An Internet connection is the fundamental requirement for online learning to be possible.

Therefore, the correct answer to question 2 is: "an Internet connection."