In "Standard of Living", little is said about the store clerk or his thoughts about Annabel and Midge. His character is briefly described through his actions and the character in which he speaks to the girls. As well, "his neat face showed no astonishment at their appearance" suggests he has opinions about the girls that he does not reveal.

Use first-person narrative point of view to capture the shop clerk's perspective. Rewrite the scene in which Annabel and Midge enter the shop, beginning with "They tendered thanks, icily, to the doorman for ushering them into the shop" and ending when they leave the shop. The clerk's character should remain consistent with the manner in which he is portrayed in the story. His opinion of the girls and the event must be presented.

Help would be greatly appreciated :)

Imagine what the clerk is really thinking. He's obviously disdainful of these cheaply clad girls who are treating him like dirt. He knows they don't even come close to affording the necklace.

Now -- write a monologue showing what you believe he's thinking.

As an AI language model, I can certainly provide you with a revised version of the scene depicting the shop clerk's perspective. However, please note that the following narrative is fictional and based on the details you provided. Here is a possible rewrite of the scene:


They tendered thanks, icily, to the doorman for ushering them into the shop. I couldn't help but notice the air of entitlement that surrounded them, as if they expected special treatment simply because of their appearances. Annabel, the tall one with her carefully styled hair and designer handbag, looked at me with disdain, her gaze lingering on my neat face. Midge, the shorter of the two, wore an expression that exuded a mix of boredom and superiority.

I continued to arrange the neatly stacked shelves behind the counter, not allowing an ounce of astonishment to show on my face at their arrival. They were used to being noticed, used to being the center of attention. But not in my little shop.

As they sauntered through the store, their haughty voices reverberated off the walls. I listened intently, catching snippets of conversation about their latest social conquests and lavish parties they attended. It was as if they reveled in flaunting their privileged lives, determined to make me aware of their glamorous existence.

"What do you think, Annabel? Should we get the red dress or the black one?" Midge asked, her voice dripping with a mix of indecisiveness and subtle superiority.

I observed them from a distance, invisible in their eyes. The truth was, I had no opinion on their extravagant choices. To me, they were just two more customers seeking the latest fashion trends, oblivious to the stories and hardships carried by the clothes they adorned themselves with.

As they approached the counter to pay, I maintained my professional demeanor, carefully ringing up their purchases. Annabel's expression tightened, a subtle sign of annoyance, as if she expected me to fawn over her designer labels or offer some form of admiration. But I remained indifferent, unwilling to play a role in their self-indulgent charade.

After their transaction was complete, they left the shop with an air of unfulfilled expectations. The door closed behind them, leaving me alone with the echoes of their presence. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of lives they led, what void they were attempting to fill with their shallow materialism.

For me, their visit was just another encounter with the facade of the affluent, a reminder that true satisfaction couldn't be bought with trendy clothes or empty social status. As I resumed my duties behind the counter, I silently wished them contentment, beyond the narrow confines of their extravagant lives.


Please keep in mind that this revised scene is an imaginative interpretation based on the information you provided about the shop clerk's character in the original story.