what was pierre's laporte reasons for asking robert baroussa to save his life by meeting the demands of the FLQ?

To understand Pierre Laporte's reasons for asking Robert Bourassa to meet the demands of the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec), we need to look at the historical context and the events leading up to his request. Pierre Laporte was a prominent Quebec politician and the Minister of Labour in 1970 when the October Crisis unfolded in Quebec, Canada.

1. Understand the October Crisis: The October Crisis was a series of events that occurred in October 1970 in Quebec. The FLQ, a separatist group seeking an independent Quebec, kidnapped British diplomat James Cross and Pierre Laporte.

2. FLQ's demands: The FLQ demanded the release of several imprisoned members, the publication of their manifesto in the media, and the safe passage to Cuba.

3. Analyze Laporte's situation: Pierre Laporte was taken hostage by the FLQ, and his life was in immediate danger. As a member of the Quebec government, he was involved in managing the crisis and negotiating with the FLQ. It is crucial to understand that Laporte's request to meet the demands of the FLQ was made under extreme duress to save his life.

4. Laporte's political influence: Pierre Laporte was aware that Robert Bourassa, the Premier of Quebec at that time, held the authority to make decisions that could fulfill or reject the FLQ's demands. As a trusted politician and advisor to Bourassa, Laporte believed that if Bourassa met the FLQ's demands, it might increase the chances of securing his release and ending the crisis peacefully.

5. Preservation of human life: Laporte's primary concern would have been his own safety, as well as the safety of other hostages and potential victims. In such a high-stakes situation, requesting the fulfillment of demands could have been seen as a potential strategy to prevent harm and loss of life.

Considering these factors, Pierre Laporte's reasons for asking Robert Bourassa to meet the FLQ's demands were driven by personal survival, the hope for a peaceful resolution, and the desire to avoid further bloodshed.