Which statement(s) is/are true?Select one of the options below as your answer:A. A 25° angle is congruent to a 25° angle.B. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of congruent angles.C. It is possible for congruent angles to add up to 90°.D. All of the above are true.

To determine which statement(s) is/are true, let's analyze each option:

A. A 25° angle is congruent to a 25° angle.
- This statement is true, as congruent angles have the same measure.

B. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of congruent angles.
- This statement is true, according to the angle relationships formed when two lines intersect. The pairs of angles formed are known as vertical angles, and they are congruent.

C. It is possible for congruent angles to add up to 90°.
- This statement is false. Congruent angles have the same measure, and if two angles are congruent, their measures sum up to a multiple of 180° (not 90°).

Based on our analysis, options A and B are true, while option C is false. Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of congruent angles.