2 people start off to work directly away from each other.they each walk for 4 kms then turn directly to their right and walk for another 3 kms.how far apart are they

make a sketch,

the path of each will form the standard 3,4, 5 right-angled triangle, and each will have gone 5 km
(3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2)
and the line joining their end-positions will pass through their starting point

So they are 10 km apart.

thanks,but what is 3^2,is it 3time 2 or square root of 3

3^2 = 3 squared = 9

To find out how far apart the two people are, we can visualize their paths using a diagram.

Let's denote the starting point of Person A as A and Person B as B. They start off walking away from each other, so we can draw a straight line segment connecting A and B.

After walking for 4 kilometers, Person A turns directly to their right and walks for another 3 kilometers. This means they end up at point C, which is 4 kilometers away from A in the original direction and 3 kilometers to the right.

Similarly, Person B also walks for 4 kilometers before turning right and walking for another 3 kilometers. They end up at point D, which is 4 kilometers away from B in the original direction and 3 kilometers to the right.

We can now draw a right-angled triangle ABC, with AC being the hypotenuse (the line connecting A and C) and BD being the hypotenuse (the line connecting B and D).

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can calculate the length of AC and BD. The formula for the Pythagorean theorem is:

c² = a² + b²

Where c is the length of the hypotenuse (AC or BD) and a, b are the lengths of the other two sides (4 km and 3 km in this case).

Let's calculate AC first:

AC² = (4 km)² + (3 km)²
AC² = 16 km² + 9 km²
AC² = 25 km²

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

AC = √(25 km²)
AC = 5 km

Now, let's calculate BD:

BD² = (4 km)² + (3 km)²
BD² = 16 km² + 9 km²
BD² = 25 km²

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

BD = √(25 km²)
BD = 5 km

Therefore, the two people are 5 kilometers apart from each other.