Okay, fill in the blanks......

Oceans affect climates by ______ the rise and fall of air tempature. (slowin, speeding up)

A rain shadow is the side of the mountain that ______ clouds and rain. has, does not have

The Gulf Stream ____ the wind above it. (warms,cools)

Caitlyn -- we are not a Homework DO board. We are a Homework HELP board. If you give us your ideas about these easy questions, we'll be glad to help you.

sorry, I am in a hurry. I need help with just these three, and they are all on my science sheet. I had 20 questions, these ones I am debating over

This is what i think Caitlyn.

1)Speed up
2)Does not have

thanks sam! And Ms. Sue, I copying this RIFGHT off your website....

Post your questions on the homework help forum for the quickest homework help ever!

So, haa haa to yah!!!!

One of Sam's answers is wrong.


Not to be mean or anything... but Ms. Sue is right. Is homework HELP. Reread what you posted "GET HOMEWORK HELP FAST!
Post your questions on the homework HELP forum for the quickest homework HELP ever!" No where in there does it say that they will do your homework, They give us assistance in understanding what we don't understand. Don't try to take advantage of them.
Again not to be mean.


Okay, let's fill in the blanks one by one:

1. Oceans affect climates by ______ the rise and fall of air temperature. (slowin, speeding up)

To find the answer, we need to understand how oceans affect air temperature. Oceans have a high heat capacity, meaning they can store a lot of heat energy. As a result, they heat up and cool down more slowly than landmasses. This has a significant impact on nearby climates.

When the ocean is warmer than the adjacent land, it warms the air above it. This leads to the air rising and creating a low-pressure system. As a result, warm air from the ocean flows over the land, moderating the temperature and bringing moisture, which can cause rainfall.

On the other hand, when the ocean is cooler than the adjacent land, it leads to the opposite effect. The cool ocean water cools the air above it, causing it to sink and create a high-pressure system. This results in cooler air flowing from the land to the ocean, affecting the climate.

Therefore, the correct answer is "slowing down" the rise and fall of air temperature.

2. A rain shadow is the side of the mountain that ______ clouds and rain. has, does not have

To determine the answer, we need to understand the concept of a rain shadow. A rain shadow is created when moist air from an ocean or sea encounters a mountain range. As the air rises and traverses the mountain range, it cools, leading to condensation and the formation of clouds. This process often results in precipitation, such as rain or snow, on the windward side of the mountain.

However, by the time the air reaches the other side of the mountain range, it has lost much of its moisture, and it descends, warming up and creating a dry and arid area, known as the rain shadow. As a result, the rain shadow side of the mountain experiences reduced or no clouds and rain.

Therefore, the correct answer is "does not have" clouds and rain.

3. The Gulf Stream ____ the wind above it. (warms, cools)

To determine the answer, we should consider the characteristics of the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is a powerful warm ocean current originating in the Gulf of Mexico and flowing along the eastern coast of the United States towards Europe. It brings warm water from the tropics towards the higher latitudes.

As the Gulf Stream moves along the coast, it transfers heat to the surrounding air. This warming effect influences the air mass above it. Therefore, the correct answer is "warms" the wind above it.

I hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.