I am the discussion director for my group.

I have to grab 4 reallyyy good discussion questions for the book The Kite Runner.

I already found one good question, I need the other 3. It has to be from chapter 1-3

PLEASE help me out, i'm so stuck, honestly I really want my group to be actually discussing my questions..

Thanks so much! I really appreciate your help!

You may get some ideas from this site.


You might ask your team to discuss divisions in our American society.

I already tried sparknotes and everyother website I thought of miss...:(unfortunately

I've never read this book, and even knowing what your one discussion question is doesn't help. However, here's something you can try:

Go through each chapter you need to be discussing, and ask yourself some "what if" quesitons -- what if this had not happened; what if this character were male instead of female (or vice versa); what if ...

The "what if" questions can lead you to thinking more deeply about what is happening in the story. To come up with decent discussion questions takes time and thought. They are rarely tossed off in a few minutes.

Let us know what you come up with ... in case someone else here has read the book.

Certainly! I'm here to help you generate three more discussion questions for chapters 1-3 of The Kite Runner. Here's how we can approach this:

1. Understand the themes: To come up with effective discussion questions, it's important to understand the major themes present in the first three chapters of The Kite Runner. This will help you generate questions that encourage thoughtful analysis and reflection. Some potential themes to consider are friendship, guilt, redemption, betrayal, and social class.

2. Analyze key events: Review the significant events, character interactions, and plot developments in chapters 1-3. Think about how these events tie into the themes and can spark engaging discussions among your group members.

3. Craft open-ended questions: Aim to create questions that are open-ended and encourage group members to explore different perspectives. These types of questions will generate more meaningful discussions.

Now, let's generate three additional discussion questions for The Kite Runner based on these steps:

1. Question 1: How does Amir's relationship with Hassan and his actions towards him in chapters 1-3 reflect the theme of betrayal? Support your answer with examples from the text.

Explanation: This question prompts group members to critically analyze the dynamics between Amir and Hassan, exploring instances where trust is broken and examining the consequences of betrayal.

2. Question 2: Discuss the relationship between Amir and his father (Baba) in the first three chapters. How does their differing social classes impact their interactions and shape their identities? Provide evidence from the text to support your analysis.

Explanation: This question encourages group members to delve into the complexities of the father-son relationship and explore how societal factors, such as social class, influence their interactions and personal development.

3. Question 3: What is the significance of the kite-fighting tournament in chapters 1-3? How does this event symbolize larger themes in the novel, such as competition, bravery, and the pursuit of redemption? Provide specific examples from the text to support your interpretation.

Explanation: This question invites group members to delve into the symbolism of the kite-fighting tournament, encouraging them to explore its deeper meaning within the context of the novel's themes.

Remember, it's important to encourage your group to refer back to the text and use evidence to support their answers during the discussion. Good luck with your group discussion!