Alejandro is the manager of a catering business for private parties. The business charges a set-up fee of $40.00 per event and $8.00 per plate served at the party.

Let c represent the total charges for the catering services and p represent the number of plates served at the party. Which of the following best represents an equation that models the situation?

Don't understand

To represent the situation described, where there is a set-up fee and a charge per plate served, we can use the equation:

c = 40 + 8p

In this equation, "c" represents the total charges for the catering services, "40" is the set-up fee, and "8p" represents the charge per plate served at the party.

The set-up fee is a fixed cost, so it remains the same regardless of the number of plates served. The charge per plate, however, depends on the number of plates served, so it is multiplied by the variable "p" representing the number of plates served.

By adding the set-up fee and the charge per plate, we can determine the total charges for the catering services.