



To determine the value of the expression:

208/207 + (208/207 × 206/205) + (208/207 × 206/205 × 204/203) + ... + (208/207 × 206/205 × 204/203 × ... × 4/3 × 2/1)

We can approach this problem by evaluating the terms step by step.

Let's break down the expression:

Term 1: 208/207
Term 2: 208/207 × 206/205
Term 3: 208/207 × 206/205 × 204/203
Term n: 208/207 × 206/205 × ... × 4/3 × 2/1 (n terms)

We can notice a pattern here. Each term is formed by multiplying the previous term by a fraction that decreases by one in both the numerator and denominator.

We can rewrite the ith term as:

(208/207) × (206/205) × ... × (4/3) × (2/1)
(207/207) × (205/205) × ... × (3/3) × (1/1)

Simplifying, we get:

(208 × 206 × ... × 4 × 2)
(207 × 205 × ... × 3 × 1)

This can be simplified further:

(208 × 206 × ... × 4 × 2)
(207 × 205 × ... × 3 × 1)

Now, we can cancel out some terms:

(208 × 206 × ... × 4 × 2)
(207 × 205 × ... × 3 × 1)

= (2 × 2)
(3 × 1)

= 4/3

Therefore, the value of the given expression is 4/3.