Which of the following is NOT a Gothic element in this novel?

A. the low, demonic laugh in the hall at midnight
B. strange laughter in a hidden, upstairs room
C. the mysterious fire in Rochester’s bedroom
D. the young Jane’s growing love for the older, moody Rochester
E. Jane’s impulsive and fiery spirit

In what novel?

What do YOU THINK the answer is?

Jane Eyre.

And I was leaning towards B because when I think of gothic elements I think of words like demonic, fiery, passion/love, mystery...

Please reread the question. Notice the word "NOT" in there.

To determine which of the options is NOT a Gothic element in the novel, we need to understand what Gothic elements are commonly found in Gothic literature. Gothic elements include supernatural occurrences, eerie settings, mysterious or supernatural characters, psychological terror, and themes of madness and death.

Let's analyze each option to see if it contains Gothic elements:

A. The low, demonic laugh in the hall at midnight: This option includes a supernatural occurrence, as it describes a demonic laugh. Therefore, Option A is a Gothic element.

B. Strange laughter in a hidden, upstairs room: This option also includes a supernatural occurrence, as it involves strange laughter that is hidden in an upstairs room. Therefore, Option B is a Gothic element.

C. The mysterious fire in Rochester’s bedroom: This option includes a mysterious occurrence, as it describes a fire in Rochester's bedroom. Mysterious events are often associated with Gothic literature. Therefore, Option C is also a Gothic element.

D. The young Jane’s growing love for the older, moody Rochester: This option describes a romantic relationship between characters, which is not necessarily a Gothic element. While romance can be present in Gothic literature, it is not an exclusive characteristic. Therefore, option D might not be a Gothic element in this context.

E. Jane’s impulsive and fiery spirit: This option describes a character's temperament and personality traits, rather than a specific element typically associated with Gothic literature. It does not directly align with the traditional Gothic elements. Therefore, Option E is likely the answer as it is NOT a Gothic element in this novel.

As a result, the answer is Option E.