In the following sentence identify the function of the infinitive (phrase).

Is it too expensive to travel to Europe?

To travel to Europe is the infinitive phrase in this sentence.

To identify the function of the infinitive phrase "to travel to Europe," we need to understand its role in the sentence. Infinitive phrases are comprised of an infinitive verb (in this case, "to travel") along with any accompanying words or phrases. They can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

In this sentence, the infinitive phrase "to travel to Europe" serves as the complement of the adjective "expensive." It completes the verb phrase "is too expensive" and provides additional information about what is considered expensive. The function of the infinitive phrase here is adverbial, modifying the adjective "expensive."

What words make up the infinitive phrase?

Where is that phrase in relation to the other parts of this sentence?