I have to find 10 french verbs in this passage but I can only 8. Here is the passage:

Balthazar Claes se montra tout a coup, fitquelques pas, ne regarda pas cette femme, ou s'il la regarda, ne la vit pas, et resta tout droit au milieu du parloir en appuyant sur sa main droite sa tete legerement inclinee. Une horrible souffrance a laquelle cette femme ne pouvait s'habituer quoiqu'elle revint frequemment chaque jour,(...) dissipa son sourire, plissa son front brun entre les sourcils vers cette ligne que creuse la frequente expression des sentiments extremes: ses yeux se remplirent de larmes, mais elle les essuya soudain en regardant Balthazar. Il etait impossible de ne pas etre profondement impressionne par ce chef de la famille Claes.

These are the 8 verbs I found at least I think they're all verbs:
regarder, rester, parler, pouvoir, s'habiller, sourire, se remplir, and etre. You can only list a verb once if it appears twice so can anyone fimd the other two I don;t see?

(regarde en haut, s.f.p.)

sorry i only found some but if u look up verbs in french they will tell u them

Based on the passage you provided, here are the remaining two French verbs:

1. montrer - In the sentence "Balthazar Claes se montra tout à coup," the verb "montra" corresponds to the third-person singular form of the verb "montrer" (to show).

2. rendre - In the sentence "Une horrible souffrance à laquelle cette femme ne pouvait s'habituer quoiqu'elle revint fréquemment chaque jour," the verb "revint" corresponds to the third-person singular form of the verb "revenir" (to come back). However, to adhere to the rule of not listing a verb twice if it appears twice, we can include a different form of the verb "revenir." The verb "s'habituer" corresponds to the infinitive form of the reflexive verb "habituer" (to get used to).

To find the verbs in a text written in French, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verbs by looking for words that indicate actions or states.
2. Pay attention to the form of the verb (e.g., infinitive, present tense, past tense, etc.).
3. Look up any unfamiliar words in a French dictionary to confirm their meanings and identify their verb forms.

Remember that verbs in French can have different conjugations based on the subject and tense, so be mindful of these variations when identifying verbs in a passage.