Sunshine Honda sold 112 cars this month. If that is 40% greater than last month, how many cars were sold last month?

To find the number of cars sold last month, we need to calculate the original value before the 40% increase. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Let's assume the number of cars sold last month is "x".
2. We know that the number of cars sold this month is 40% greater than last month, which means this month's sales are equal to 100% (or 1.00) plus 40% (or 0.40) of last month's sales.
3. Set up an equation to represent this relationship: x + 0.40x = 112.
- The term "0.40x" represents 40% of the original value, which is added to the original value "x" to get the current month's sales of 112 cars.
- Combine like terms: 1.40x = 112.
4. Solve the equation for x by dividing both sides by 1.40: x = 112 / 1.40.
- By dividing both sides of the equation by 1.40, you can isolate the variable "x" and find its value.
5. Calculate the value of x: x = 80.
- Thus, the number of cars sold last month was 80.

Therefore, Sunshine Honda sold 80 cars last month.