What impact causes by cancer on the teenager?

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Cancer can have various impacts on teenagers, both physically and emotionally. Some common effects of cancer in teenagers include:

1. Physical effects: Cancer and its treatments can lead to a range of physical effects, such as fatigue, pain, changes in appetite, weight loss, hair loss, nausea, and weakness. These physical symptoms can impact a teenager's daily life, limit their ability to participate in activities, and affect their overall quality of life.

2. Emotional impact: Dealing with cancer at a young age can bring about a wide range of emotions for teenagers. They may experience fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration, or isolation. Teens with cancer may also face challenges in maintaining their social life and relationships, as their peers may struggle to relate to their experiences.

3. Education and career: Cancer treatment can sometimes disrupt a teenager's education, requiring extended periods of absence from school or impacting their ability to concentrate. Long-term effects from cancer treatments can also influence a teenager's future career choices and opportunities.

4. Body image and self-esteem: Cancer and its treatments, such as surgery, scarring, or changes in physical appearance, can impact a teenager's body image and self-esteem. They may feel self-conscious about their appearance or struggle with accepting the changes in their body.

5. Long-term effects: Some teenagers who survive cancer may experience long-term effects, such as fertility issues, cognitive impairments, or an increased risk of developing other health conditions later in life.

To properly understand the specific impacts of cancer on teenagers, it is best to consult with healthcare professionals, such as oncologists, psychologists, and support groups that specialize in pediatric cancer. It's essential to have open communication with healthcare providers and seek support from trusted individuals to address and manage the impacts of cancer effectively.