What is the fastest way to compare two strings containing only numbers.



There can be at max 20 numbers before and after the decimal place. The majority will be around 20, however there can be less.

To compare two strings containing only numbers efficiently, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the strings to floating-point numbers using a suitable programming language or library function.
2. Compare the floating-point numbers using the standard comparison operators (<, >, etc.).

Here's an example implementation in Python:

string1 = "3423492349328492343.939842903482304"
string2 = "349832498234932.92384924893294343"

# Step 1: Convert strings to floats
number1 = float(string1)
number2 = float(string2)

# Step 2: Compare the floating-point numbers
if number1 < number2:
print("String 1 is smaller than String 2")
elif number1 > number2:
print("String 1 is larger than String 2")
print("String 1 is equal to String 2")

This implementation converts both strings to floats using the `float()` function, and then compares the resulting floats using the if-else statements.