Is this detachment or syllogism?1. If I get to drive, then i will go to the fashions show?

2.Kristin got to go to the fashin show.
3.Krisitn got to drive


Is this an invaild arguement?

To determine whether this is a case of detachment or syllogism, let's break down the argument:

1. If I get to drive, then I will go to the fashion show.
2. Kristin got to go to the fashion show.
3. Kristin got to drive.

In this case, it is neither detachment nor syllogism. This is a simple argument that does not fit directly into either of these logical forms.

Detachment, also known as modus ponens, typically follows the format:
1. If A, then B.
2. A.
3. Therefore, B.

Syllogism, on the other hand, follows this general format:
1. All A are B.
2. All B are C.
3. Therefore, all A are C.

However, the given argument does not match either of these structures. It presents a conditional statement in the first premise but does not make any direct conclusions or inferences based on it in the two subsequent premises.

Therefore, this argument does not fall under detachment or syllogism, but rather presents separate statements without explicit logical connection.